

Square foot is measured for length x width of deck. Includes basic stairs.
Basic Package
Wooden decks start at 55$ per square foot. This is for the base package with wooden spindles wooden decking boards.
Premium Package
Wooden decks with wooden handrail sections with aluminum spindles, with tape added to the joists for added moisture protection.  This starts at 65$ per square foot
◦ Add a landing in the stairs starts at $3500 added
◦ Deck demos start at $900

Composite Decks
Composite decks have a very wide range on pricing a lot depending on colors, brand of decking, style and color of handrails. These decks start at $110 per square foot and go up to the end of your budget.
◦ Aluminum decks start at $150 per sqft
◦ Steel decks start at $180 per sqft
◦ Shed Roofs over your deck starts at $60 per sqft. Includes one ceiling fan, gutters, and soffit ceilings

Gable Roofs
Gable roofs start at 70$ per sqft include the same features as the shed roof
The per square foot prices don’t include demoing an existing deck and also has minimum prices.  

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